Category: This Week’s Survey Question

  • Survey Saturday #7

    Survey Saturday #7

    Classmates: Are you involved with your community? Did a group at FHS play a part in your involvement?

  • Survey Saturday #4

    Survey Saturday #4

    Looking back, is there that one time that you wish you had made a different choice?

  • Survey Saturday #3

    Survey Saturday #3

    What song brings you back to our high school years?

  • Survey Saturday #2

    Survey Saturday #2

    A lot of things have changed since we were in school. Let us know what changed that has disappointed you. What do you feel is better?

  • Survey Saturday #1

    Survey Saturday #1

    Welcome to Survey Saturday! Each Saturday we’ll be posting a survey to catch up with our classmates. Fifty years is a long time to catch up with you, but we are hoping that these questions can give a quick snapshot of our class, where we were, where we are today. Participation is totally voluntary and…

  • What My Classmates May Not Know About Me

    What My Classmates May Not Know About Me

    Fifty years is a lot of time to have “done that, been there.” Tell us something about yourself that our classmates may not know about you.