Category: Reunion News
All-Class Picnic Ticket Sales are Closed
The All-Class picnic is sold out but three more events are still available to attend.
FHS Newsletter
Subscribe to the FHS All Classes newsletter and keep up to date with what is happening with your classmates and other FHS news.
Meet Author Bill Truran
Local author Bill Truran, class of ’69, will be at the All-Class reunion on Saturday with some of his books.
School Tour
We may left those halls we cherished, but now we can roam the halls again! The Franklin School, aka Franklin High, will be open for reunion attendees for self-guided tours on Saturday, August 24, from 1 to 2:30 p.m. There is no charge and you do not need to make a reservation. Franklin was one…
Mineral Museum Tour
The Franklin Mineral Museum, located at 32 Evans St, will be open on Saturday, August 24, for all-class reunion attendees. Come at 10 a.m., show them your reunion ticket, and you get in free! Museum website:
Pre-Reunion Tickets Now Available Online
Pre-order your ticket online and save $9 and get a voucher for a free beer!
Post Reunion Brunch
Just because the 2024 All-Class Reunion is over, that doesn’t mean that we have finished celebrating! Join us for our Post Reunion Brunch at the Lafayette House on Sunday, August 25, at 11 AM. After two days of sitting outside eating BBQ (and maybe a bug or two), this will be a quiet get together…